Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pictures from Elder Nathan Jones

"we found a kind of drunk guy
looking after his completely smashed friend who was passed out on the
floor. The kind of drunk guy told us that he had been waiting there an
hour and a half waiting for this punk. He said ´´Fuimos a una fiesta,
y cuando se cabó, este wey empezó a chupar otra vez´´ In other words,
they went to a party, got drunk, then his friend kept drinking after
they left the party. So the three of us started kicking the poor fool
for about 2 minutes until he woke up. After that his friend grabbed
him, and they went on their merry way. They didn´t get very far,
because a few minutes later, we found the guy that was sleeping, but
alone this time... under an aloe vera plant. lol... what a great
friend. So we took pictures with him as he lay there with a terrible
hangover waiting for him in the near future. In the mean time we left
him our phone number and a word of wisdom pamphlet... that was fun."

Pictures from Elder Brandon Bowers

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our week. Nov 25th- Dec 2nd 2012

Baby Ashers helped Tracy  with her Wednesday classes because these  kids are horrible!  She needs her. She is homed schooled now so she can help. 

Joseph and Anne are leaving their cute little apartment in Portland to go back to school in Provo.  They had to take down Joseph's beautiful artwork.  The card is a goodbye card for Anne from a friend.  They'll live in St George in Dec and then move when school starts in January.

Joe and Leo meeting for the first time. 

Roy and Aubs finally sold their house!!

Trevors Bday was Friday. Grandma and Tracy took him out for lunch

Chelsea is creepy and likes to watch Chris sleep

Tracys favorite Christmas picture

Dan and I watching the Christmas Devotional.


The girl Steven is kissing

Saturday, November 24, 2012


                            Joseph and Anne spent Thanksgiving with friends at some lake in Oregon 

Ricardo came into town again and brought Sally and Nick.  We had lunch by Trevor's work.  They were only here a day. Rachel loves her job!  Thats probably a poop bag.  She talks about poop a lot.  Leo and his daddy.

Chelsea and Chris were with the "OTHER" family this year.  They took family pictures, hence the snazy picture. Chelsea was very excited to make it in the Andelin family photo.

Tracy and Dan ran the 5K with Dan's side of the family...and Sabrina. They saw Tamra there too!

Trevor and family went to Utah for Thanksgiving to be with Kelson.  Everybody went to Kacy's family's house for Thanksgiving.  Tracy's heart is warm knowing Steven and Brooke had family to be with.

So after the race Tracy and Dan had bagels.  Sabrina went home and we had our Turkey dinner.  Black Friday started on Thanksgiving night this year.  So they all went to Kohls at midnight.  They also walked out side of the Reagan library with Suzy on Friday morning.

Since Tracy had no kids home for Thanksgiving, she made Sabrina hang out with her.  Sabrina was home for the week.  She EVEN ground the cranberry's in Brandon;s place! Tracy and Dan are having a little bit of a hard time transitioning into empty nesters. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A week of a bondelin

Brooke showing her dad that she put a bow in her hair so people will know she is the girl one of the twins. 

Chelsea at school studying at school with a friend 
Steven at scool 
Anne being a good daughter and sending Tracy a picture when she asked for one

Lexie was in a play this week and Steven and Brooke got to go see her perform!

Tracy organized her photo albums

Dan built those two tables so he could cut the really big pieces of wood and have a place for the wood to lay flat

The Jones' were sick this week so Tracy made them soup and rolls

Joseph being rebellious. Only santa is suppose to get the kids chocolate oranges. 
Steven kissed this girl this week. Her name is Madie. Her birthday is in April and she has the same name of our dog...not looking good. 
Josh and Leo being adorable together. 

Chris being manly for his wife Chelsea

Grandmas Boyfriend, Cord turned 44! 

Dan showing grandma how to use her new phone and doing the dishes. Tracy loves that. Its her form of foreplay.