Monday, April 23, 2012

Champs of Ragnar Relay So Cal!

This past weekend our very own, Tamra Savage ran in the Ragnar Relay and just killed it!! Most who run Ragnar, run with 12 people, but Tamra being the amazing athlete she is ran it with only SIX girls! 

Ragnar SoCal is an overnight running relay race that goes from long beach to San Diego. Over two days and one night, her team ran 207 miles! 

That alone is amazing, right?! I was already impressed that she and her team participated in such a feat. But they didn't just participate they DOMINATED! 

They finished the race in 29.5 hours!! To clarify how amazing that is...

That put them in 2nd place in the ULTA(6 girls) women's division and fastest over all the non-ulta women's teams (12 girls).


...I am not done

They were also FASTER than the 2nd place mens Ultra team!!! 

AAAND they ran an extra 4 miles, which means they pretty much took first place over-all!!


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