Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th of July

All of our cute little families did various things this 4th of July to celebrate the independence of our young country! Long live the Declaration of Independence! 

Not sure what everyone else was doing in these pictures, but Chris and his family went to a community pool together. Chris had a very enjoyable time pestering Sparky with gross leaves from the pool. 
Left: Steven and his new girl friend!!  Right:Kai and Leo bonding
Josh, Emmy, and Leo enjoying their 4th of July

Brandon was super excited to wake up early for the ward breakfast. Chelsea and Chris enjoyed the pool with Chris' brothers family, his parents, and Sparky. 

Chris and Chelsea drove to the Beach and walked up and down along the beach watching coast fireworks. They found a nice bench on grass to cuddle and enjoy the atmosphere. They had a really great time singing along to people patriotic music blasting from their beach houses. 
Joe and Anne enjoyed the afternoon at a beautiful lake or river (not sure) that was apparently super cold.  
Dan, Tracy, and Brandon enjoyed fireworks from on top of the mall parking lot. The viewers were more excited about the fire that got started more than the fireworks themselves. oops. Americans are cruel. Go USA! 


  1. I don't know why this website is so buggy lately...but whatever. ignore the off center photos and oddly sizes print.
