Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Contest

So Tracy, aka mom, decided it would be fun to have a contest to see who could send in the best picture for her project 356. Knowing your audience and the judge was key to win this contest.

Trevor sent in this beautiful Picture of Kalin. Nicely edited with beautiful purple lighting. But unfortunately not what the judge was looking for..

I Sent in this amazing photo of Chris and I being our naturally adorable and cute selves on our way to disneyland. But alas, still not quite cute enough for Tracy. 

Tracy sent in a picture (pretty sure thats cheating) of her cute husband doing her favorite thing...working his butt off! (*Bottom-  Lexie is 11)

Roy graciously entered two pictures for the drawing of his silly, but yet still passing for adorable, children. And even they didn't make the cut!

 Trevor came close to the "prize", by capturing our hearts and expressing our sorrows with such brilliance, but ultimately lost in the end. 

Brooke did well at capturing her true and deep emotions while perfectly balancing cereal, a notebook, and a text book with such ease, but her strength and balancing skills were not valued. 

With one last strong desire to win Chelsea submitted one more picture in hopes to help her odds at winning this amazingly important contest, but her final efforts were in vain. 

Brandon almost missing the contest all together finally submitted this animated, passionate, and life altering master piece, but somehow his glorious picture was ignored and unappreciated. 

oh ya..Joe and Anne's picture

AT LAST!! The time came after much angst and anxiety for the winners to be announced! 

Tracy:  "And the winner is.......

Just such a cute picture!!! Had to choose this one. The Winner for Today!"

We were all very good sports and were very happy for their great accomplishment. 


  1. hahahaha nice use of the internet meme

    1. thank you. Trevor and Rachel were the creative ones in using those.

  2. Oh. So. So. Good Chelsea. I love you.

  3. This was an awesome entry!!! Chelsea's words describing the competition was the greatest!!! Thanks Chels!
